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 Call us at (305) 888-1717
  or fax to (305) 887-4594  
  Address: 9960 NW 116 Way, Suite 9, Medley, FL 33178
         Web Page: www.all-star-enterprises-inc.com
The Secret to our success
is your commitment
We want to let you know that we offer the best quality in services in Florida and our rates & prices are better than our competitors.

We pride ourselves in having a family oriented atmosphere which leads to a happy staff.
All Star Enterprises, Inc. ® 9960 NW 116 Way, Suite 9, Medley, FL 33178

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​Dear Customers:
 As Entrepreneurs of the State of Florida, we are committed to stimulating business, allowing the increase of goods and services, pursuant to the requirements and satisfaction of those markets. Our share would be centered contribution in our management efficient, productive and characterized by the principles of honesty, product quality, competitive prices and satisfaction of the needs of our customers. To achieve these objectives, we require from our customers for their loyalty and trust, which will be paid with our contribution to their economic goals.

​We are in the market since 1983, the date of creation of our Company, driven by the creative effort, fighter and entrepreneur of our father Don Esteban Acosta, together to our mother Doña Isela Acosta who accompanied him during the most important years of his life, contributing to help this company to make It one of the most important in the industry in South Florida.
The company began taking Its first steps, meeting the needs of aggregates Construction Industry in South Florida, to become one of the most important market.
Additionally, the company became a generator of jobs, helping many families get their "American Dream."
Over the years, began to emerge relief generation, which has continued the successful management of Its creator, expanding and diversifying Its business activities in areas of construction.
Have been years of hard stages of struggle, and other of great satisfaction, product of our desire to progress, and to want to sow in the next generations a promising future and success in the business world.​
This strong-willed spirit in work and community service, we want to move to Florida business community, helping them to achieve their goals they crave.